Magic of Life
Non-profit organization

Our mission
What is more magical than life?
Magic of Life is a non-profit organization founded in 2022 with a clear objective, to defend life and the right for all sentient beings on this planet to live: humans and non-human animals alike; and to defend the planet we live on, planet Earth.
Magic of Life's work is mainly focused on helping the most oppressed group of all, those who need help the most, the animals. Why do we consider the animals to be the living beings that need the most help? Firstly, because they have no voice or capacity to defend themselves, and secondly by the numbers... Each year, around 150 billion land animals and some 3 trillion marine animals are slaughtered for human consumption alone, not counting animals slaughtered by the textile industry, in laboratories or the ones used or killed for our "entertainment".
Magic of Life seeks to end all forms of discrimination and hatred: xenophobia, homophobia, racism, sexism and, especially, speciesism. Speciesism is the discrimination of living beings based on their species (respecting and caring for a dog but eating a pig) in addition to the belief that the human being is superior to all other animals. We live in a speciesist society and we believe that this is the origin of all kinds of discrimination.
Our work
Learn more about what we do

Exposing the reality that non-human animals live on a day to day basis. Encourage reflection on the unfairness of this treatment by humans in different facets: livestock, bullfighting, hunting, sports with animals, the sale of pets, fashion and animal experimentation.
Investigate the reality that animals experience at the hands of humans, in order to show data and images that help promote the end of animal exploitation. The objective of the association is to achieve the absolute end of the use of non-human animals.

Raise awareness in society as to how important and simple it is to have a respectful attitude towards other animals.
Educate consumers about alternatives that do not involve the use or exploitation of other animals in the different aspects of life: food, clothing, entertainment, cosmetics, etc.
Educate the different industries, proposing alternatives to adapt their business model to one that does not involve the use, mistreatment or sacrifice of animals.
In short, promote respect, rejecting any type of discrimination between living beings: sexism, racism, speciesism, homophobia, …
Work in the legal field to ensure that animals of other species are subjects of the law. The basic rights that animals should have are: the right to live, freedom, not to be tortured and not to be considered as property.

Our health
Promote a healthy lifestyle. The main causes of death of the world population in the 21st century are due to an unhealthy lifestyle: sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, drug use (tobacco, alcohol and others), permanent stress, insufficient or poor quality sleep,... .
Promote habits to protect our planet, which human beings have brought to a critical point, destroying all its biodiversity and resources.
Promote ideas to end hunger and extreme poverty in the world.

To fulfill our purposes, the following activities will be carried out: conferences and seminars, events, fairs, shows, demonstrations, research projects, meetings with municipalities and governments, publication of audiovisual content on social networks, interviews with professionals from different sectors: health , ethics, philosophy; and printed publications.
Take part
This is what drives us at Magic of Life:
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
We believe there is no single answer, every little bit helps when it comes to making an impact. There are many meaningful ways to help with our mission. Do you have an idea that isn't listed below? Get in touch and let us know.
Solidarity shop
100% of profits goes towards our campaigns